Privacy Policy
We limit ourselves to collect the smallest amount of user data that we need
in order to create a seamless experience when using
This data includes mainly:
which is needed to establish the video call using WebRTC. RTCICECandidates,
RTCSessionDescription is not stored in any persistent database, it's removed
from the server as soon as the user leaves the call by closing the browser
window. The media streams are encrypted using Secure Real-time Transport
Protocol (SRTP).
For Chat messaging and File Sharing, we using WebRTC's
to transfer data directly from one peer to another. With RTCDataChannel, all
data is secured with
Datagram Transport Layer Security
(DTLS). DTLS is a derivative of SSL, meaning your data will be as secure as
using any standard SSL-based connection.
If you record a meeting, the recording of the meeting is temporarily stored
on Your browser
Blob, then will be downloaded on Your PC/Mobile Device.
nrgMeet is purely peer-to-peer, which means the user's
video, audio, chat and file is not sent to our server at all.
We use Umami to track aggregated usage statistics in order to improve our
service. The maker of
nrgMeet has no intention of using personally or selling
any of the above-mentioned data.